

CCN represents numerous clients in the automotive and auto parts industries, particularly with regard to their operations in Mexico, either as domestic manufacturers, importers, or exporters of vehicles, their parts, and accessories.

As one of the largest industries in Mexico, the automotive sector has a specific regulatory framework that is constantly changing. Such framework establishes multiple benefits and exemptions to general rules applicable to other industrial sectors. CCN has extensive experience and a team focused on meeting the specific needs of the automotive sector and its value chain, including legal aspects related to production, import and export activities, supplies, distribution, transportation, logistics, labor, wholesale and retail marketing, regulatory compliance, recalls, distressed supplier, and post-sale matters.

The firm has decades of experience supporting companies in the automotive and auto parts sectors that are seeking to expand their production and supply chain by establishing manufacturing operations in Mexico. This often includes taking advantage of the benefits derived from the various treaties and trade agreements signed by Mexico. It also includes participation in programs for the promotion of the manufacturing industry through the use of IMMEX (maquila), sectorial, and other programs.

We understand the challenges of the automotive sector, including the implementation of new technologies, energy and charging infrastructure, online marketing, connectivity, and privacy, among others. Attorneys in our different practice areas work together to address these challenges and design legal compliance strategies at all stages of a project. 

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