COFEPRIS Press Release 005


Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (“COFEPRIS” by its acronym in Spanish) announced the following strategic actions to address the COVID-19 emergency:

  1. To ensure the supply of medications and health supplies, the COFEPRIS service windows will remain open to receive authorizations for health records, medications, and medical equipment.
  2. Necessary import permits for donated medications and health supplies will be issued immediately.
  3. In the case of pulmonary ventilators, prior to authorizing their importation, said equipment will be evaluated by the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (“CENAPRECE” by its acronym in Spanish), which will issue a letter of technical approval for the producers or registered importers to obtain an immediate import permit.
  4. With respect to COVID-19 tests, the Epidemiological Reference and Diagnosis Institute (“InDRE” by its acronym in Spanish) will evaluate the tests, and when appropriate, will issue a technical approval letter so that importers may immediately obtain a provisional marketing permit.
  5. In order to guarantee the importation and exportation of certain goods required during this health emergency, COFERPIS will maintain the issuance of import and export permits on a permanent basis (through the VUCEM website) for the following goods:
  • Health supplies
  • Active ingredients for the preparation of medications,
  • Food and other products for human consumption.
  1. Service windows will remain open to authorize the importation of medications for personal use.

Contact information:Felipe Chapula | Melgar |

CCN México Report™


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