Mexico Publishes Amendments to 2021 Miscellaneous Tax Resolution


On April 5, 2021, Mexico’s Tax Administration Service published  the Fifth Anticipated Version of the First Resolution Modifying the 2021 Miscellaneous Tax Resolution and its annexes 1-A and 9. The changes, published on the agency’s website, entered into force the day following their publication in the Official Journal of the Federation. Note, however, that certain specific rules will enter into force in accordance with the Transitional Articles of the new decree. The most relevant aspects are summarized as follows:

a) It will be now possible for Authorized Tax-Exempt Donees to request the cancelation of the permit to receive deductible donations by filing such request through their electronic tax mailbox. If the application for cancelation, revocation, conclusion or termination of the permit to receive deductible donations, or any other similar application, was filed prior to March 1, 2021, it will be necessary to ratify such application or be considered to have withdrawn of the request.

b) Legal entities will be able to request a renewal of their electronic signature certificate when such has expired, within the year prior to the application for renewal, as long as certain other requirements are met prior to April 30, 2021.

c) Taxpayers required to provide information regarding their tax situation (“ISSIF” for its acronym in Spanish) that have performed transactions with related parts in 2020 may opt not to include such information in their ISSIF when they file their annual tax return. Such new rule applies so long as their electronic signature certificate is in force, and: (i) filing of such information occurs prior to September 30, 2021; (ii) the information is complete, correct and has no inconsistencies, and (iii) is filed through the Tax Administration Service’s website.

d) Individual taxpayers will be able to file annual tax returns for 2020 until May 31, 2021.

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