Phase 2 Additional Measures by the Department of the Economy


Pursuant to official notice number 414.2020.826 dated March 26, 2020, the General Director for the Facilitation of Commerce and Foreign Trade detailed additional measures to be taken in order to guarantee the continuity of international trade in response to the Mexican federal government’s announcement that Mexico is now in Phase 2 of the Covid-19 pandemic. Such additional measures include the following: Certificates of origin: The response time remains three (3) business days and the certificates may be picked up only on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.Eligibility certificates for textile goods and garments [Tariff Preference Levels (TPLs)]: in the near future, these certificates will no longer be issued on security paper with a handwritten signature, but instead will be issued electronically in PDF format, without a seal or signature, on the business day following their request (as long as it is requested before 12 p.m.). Said certificates will be sent to the email address on file with the Mexican Foreign Trade Receipt System (VUCEM for its acronym in Spanish).Automatic importation notices for steel products: it will not be necessary to attach copies of the mill certificates until further notice. It will be necessary to continue to attach the quality certificates.Ratification of processing in quotas: for the assignment of importation quotas, ratification by a certified public accountant will not be necessary.Rule 8 authorizations: The consultations with the industrial sector referenced in number 2, of Exhibit 2.2.2. of the General Rules and Criteria in Foreign Trade Matters will be conducted by means of email in text format rather than in the form of an official letter.Inaccurate data notices (Official Mexican Standards on commercial information): notices of inaccurate information on business information labels as relate to the manufacturer’s or importer’s business name, corporate name, tax identification number (RFC) or address, must be submitted via email to, and the response time continues to be three (3) business days.Applications for drawback returns must be submitted via email to, during business hours on business days.IMMEX Affidavit: beginning March 30, for purposes of authorization of the New Program under the modalities of Services, Shelter, Controllers and Outsourcing, the Affidavit must be submitted by means of the VUCEM.Accreditation of links: with respect to transactions that are submitted or completed via email, two links must be used, a full name and email address must be given, as well as confirmation of the agreement to receive and send information through the designated email addresses is required. This must be done pursuant to a written request signed by the company’s legal representative.The physical window of the General Director for the Facilitation of Commerce and Foreign Trade will remain closed, except for the delivery of certificates of origin and TPLs.The measures set forth in official notice number 414.2020.654 dated March 20, 2020 shall remain in effect to the extent they are not in conflict with the Department of the Economy’s guidance. Contact Information: Felipe Chapula | Name |

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