Yucatan Grants New Tax Benefits for Investments in Industrial Zones

On June 28, 2024, the “Decree to promote investment in the industrial zones of Progreso I and Mérida I in Yucatan, Mexico” (the “Decree”) was published in the Official Journal of the Federation. Such Decree grants certain tax benefits and administrative assistance for taxpayers that carry out productive economic activities in the electrical and electronics […]

Mexico Amends Amparo Law regarding Suspensions of Legal Acts

On June 14th, 2024, a decree was published in the Official Journal of the Federation amending articles 129 and 148 of the Amparo Law regarding suspensions of official legal acts in amparo lawsuits where the unconstitutionality of general laws (e.g., federal and state laws, regulations, decrees, agreements and all types of resolutions of general observance) […]

Mexico Approves Amendments Regarding Labor Exploitation

On June 8, 2024, an amendment to the General Law to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Crimes in Connection with Human Trafficking and for the Protection and Assistance to Victims of these Crimes (the “Law”) came into force. This amendment added section IV to Article 21 of the Law, establishing that working hours in excess of […]

Political Thermometer

In June, Mexico will have the most important election in its political history. The importance derives from several circumstances, but fundamentally from the magnitude of the elections. In accordance with previous reforms to consolidate federal, state and municipal elections on the same election day, 99 million voters will participate on June 2nd. 20,000 positions will be at stake, and it will be a woman who will occupy the presidency of the republic for the first time. Among the positions in addition to the presidency, the Federal Congress will be up for election, made up of 500 deputies and 124 senators. In addition, there will be elections of the governments of the states of Jalisco, Tabasco, Chiapas, Morelos, Yucatán, Guanajuato, Puebla, Veracruz and the head of government of Mexico City, in addition to the 16 mayoralties that comprise it.

Innovations in Visas for the United States

Among the bilateral relations of countries around the world, the relationship between Mexico and the United States is undoubtedly one of the most important. Both the broad binational dimension of economic, commercial, tourist, cultural and academic exchanges, as well as the presence of millions of Mexicans in the United States and millions of Americans who have decided to live or work in different areas of Mexico, demonstrate the enormous significance of the relationship. One of the institutional elements of the relationship is the granting of visas, residence authorization or work permits that countries grant to formally document such exchanges.

Mexico Issues New Official Regulations on the Transportation of Hazardous Cargo

On May 27, 2024, Official Mexican Regulation NOM-043-SCT-SEMAR-ARTF-2023 (the “NOM”) was published in the Official Journal of the Federation (the “DOF”), regulating the “Transport document of hazardous cargo”. A Transport document of hazardous cargo (hereinafter, the “Transport Document”) contains information for the identification of hazardous cargo, of its potential dangers, and of statements to be […]

Simplified Requirements for the Temporary Importation of Sugar under Mexico’s IMMEX Program

On April 5, 2024 the “Decree publishing the requirements to temporarily import goods included in Annex II of the Decree for the Promotion of the Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Services Industry” (the “Decree”) was published in the Official Journal of the Federation, which entered into force on April 8, 2024, and will remain valid through August 31, 2024.

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