Mexico Amends Rules for Issuing Electronic Negotiable Instruments

On March 26, 2024, the Mexican government published a decree which amends, supplements and repeals various provisions of the General Law of Negotiable Instruments and Credit Transactions (“LGTOC”) and the General Law of Organizations and Ancillary Credit Transactions in the Official Journal of the Federation (the “Decree”).

How Foreign Investors Can Use U.S. Wills to Accomplish Their Estate Planning Goals

When it comes to cross-border business ventures, the importance of estate planning often remains overshadowed by immediate investment pursuits. However, for international investors eyeing opportunities within the United States, prudent consideration of estate planning is paramount. While some may have made estate planning arrangements within their home jurisdictions, the adoption of a U.S. Situs Will […]

Mexico publishes long-awaited ADR Law

New General Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms On January 26, 2024th, the new General Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (“GLADRM”) was published in the Official Journal of the Federation, in compliance with the 2017 constitutional amendment that made Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms a constitutionally protected practice in Mexico. The GLADRM seeks to regulate […]

Validity of Mediation Agreements in Mexico City

Mediation is one of the alternative dispute resolution methods available in Mexico. In mediation, the parties go to a mediator to avoid or put an end to a dispute after negotiation, with reciprocal concessions. This results in an agreement, which, when executed before an authorized mediator, has the status of res judicata, the same as […]

Mexico Adopts Amendments to the REPSE Renewal Process

On February 21, 2024 the Mexican government published a Decree in the Official Journal of the Federation, (the “Decree”) amending the general rules for registering individuals or legal entities that provide specialized services or perform specialized work as referred to in Article 15 of Mexico’s Federal Labor Law. The amendments include the following: The renewal of […]

Recent Decision from the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice Regarding the Constitutionality of Prohibiting a Judicial Review of the Merits of an Arbitration Award

On December 9th, 2022, two binding case law decisions were published by the First Chamber of the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice, under numbers 1a. XXXII/2022 (10a.) and 1a. XXX/2022 (10a.), confirming the constitutionality of articles 1457, section I, paragraph b), and 1434 of the Commercial Code, as they refer to the violation of the […]

The Xochitl Phenomenon

From now until the end of 2024, the central issue in Mexico will be politics. On June 2, 2024, elections will be held in Mexico. It is expected that 98 million voters will vote on the next president of Mexico, 500 Representatives and 128 Senators who will form the Mexican federal Congress, in addition to […]

Mexico Emerges from China: Nearshoring

In baseball, pinch hitters serve an important role because they often decide the outcome of games. Within international economic politics, there are certain emerging countries. Mexico is an emerging country owing to the increase in the size of its financial market, the number of free trade agreements it has concluded – highlighted by the USMCA […]

Strengthening Relations between Mexico and the United States

The North American Leaders’ Summit is somewhat of a formality, involving the meeting of the presidents of Mexico and the United States and the prime minister of Canada. Such meeting was held recently in Mexico City, where the leaders demonstrated a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. However, diplomacy is not only good manners and […]

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