Extraordinary Actions and Suspensionof Activities in Mexico City


On March 30, 2020, it was published in Mexico City’s Official Newspaper, the First Decree to declare extraordinary actions in Mexico City to prevent the contagion and propagation of COVID-19. The Decree authorizes the Department of Health and the Mexico City’s Water System (“SACMEX”), in their respective authorities, to implement immediately, extraordinary actions in public health to face the contingency including the contracting and acquisition of all kind of goods and services, such as medical equipment, diagnostic agents, surgical and healing material, hygiene products, and other necessary to face the contingency, without the need to carry out a public auction; measures also include the possibility to import goods and services without any administrative process. Likewise, SACMEX is authorized to take any actions needed to provide potable water, including direct contracting per the applicable law, to acquire any type of goods and services. In same date it was also published in Mexico City’s Official Newspaper, the Second Decree to determine the temporary suspension of activities in the dependencies, unconcentrated offices, public administration entities and counties of Mexico City, to prevent the contagion and propagation of COVID-19; each of these entities shall determine their respective essential functions, to guarantee continuity as possible. Certain activities are excluded from the suspension, such as citizen security activities, penitentiary system, health, risk management and civil protection, fire department, LOCATEL, C5, public construction and services, water supply, and any other activity or service that can be provided through digital means, including tax and budgeting.

CCN México Report™


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