Mexico Adopts Amendments to the REPSE Renewal Process


On February 21, 2024 the Mexican government published a Decree in the Official Journal of the Federation, (the “Decree”) amending the general rules for registering individuals or legal entities that provide specialized services or perform specialized work as referred to in Article 15 of Mexico’s Federal Labor Law.

The amendments include the following: The renewal of the registration shall be requested every three years; for such, individuals and entities registered and current in their obligations (IMSS, INFONAVIT, SAT) must access a section called “Renewal of Registration” on this website: The three year period is counted from the date of registration, without taking into consideration if any modifications were made or activities were added. The renewal section on the website will be enabled only for the period of time established by the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare.  Once this period is over, such section of the website will be disabled and it will not be possible to renew the registration.

If the renewal is not filed on time, the REPSE registration will be cancelled and the individual or entity will be removed from the registry; in such case, a new registration must be made, and the renewal period will begin from the date of the new registration.

Once the renewal of the REPSE registration has been completed, the provider of specialized services or specialized work must report the renewal to the beneficiaries of such services.

Please contact us for further information regarding the REPSE renewal process.

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